When Will City Hunter Angel Dust Release Date ?

When Will City Hunter Angel Dust Release Date ?

Firstly planned for the time 2022, before being laid over to 2023, the new film City Hunter, full name City Hunter Angel Dust( City Hunter Tenshi no Namida) comes out of its silence and eventually reveals its main information, including its release date.

More known in France as Nicky Larson, the anime City Hunter follows the diurnal life of Ryo Saeba, a notorious hitman obsessed with women, whose main thing is to strike the Teope Union, the felonious association responsible for the death of his former mate.

This point film is a honorary design produced on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the first animated series City Hunter, broadcast from April 1987 in Japan. In this composition, find all the details about the design, from its product platoon to its cultural cast, as well as its campers!

When is City Hunter Angel Dust release date?

When is City Hunter Angel Dust release date?

The release date of the film City Hunter Angel Dust( City Hunter 2023 Tenshi no Namida), made by Sunrise Animation Studios and The Answer Studio, is listed for September 8, 2023 in Japan.

For the moment, we donโ€™t yet know if this point film will be offered in our French playhouses.

City Hunter The Movie Angel Dust Cast & Crew

City Hunter The Movie Angel Dust Cast & Crew

The City Hunter The Movie Angel Dust is directed by Kenji Kodama, who has been directing utmost of the City Hunter anime series. Sunrise and The Answer StudioCo.,Ltd. gave the green light for the City Hunter The Movie Angel Dust film.

The ignominious scriptwriter, Yauyuki Muto of Deadman Wonderland, will also write scripts for City Hunter The Movie Angel Dust film. Aniplex is the distributor, and the rest of the list of cast and crew members has been participated below.

Akira Kamiya as Ryล Saeba
Harumi Ichiryลซsai as Saeko Nogami
Kazue Ikura as Kaori Makimura
Mami Koyama as Miki
Tesshล Genda as Umibลzu

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City Hunter Synopsis

City Hunter Synopsis

When it comes to fighting the demiworld, Ryo Saeba is really the man for the job. Alongside his mate Kaori Makimura, he continues to probe for a living, noway forgetting to take a many twinkles to make sure that no suitable woman is in peril near him.

To find the trace of a cat that has escaped, Angie, a videotape patron, asks for the help of the brace, who quicken to accept, allured by the fascinating constitution of the youthful woman and the strong price at the key.

Meanwhile, Saeko Nogami, a Metropolitan Police officer, investigates a recent invention by biotech company Zoltic with the help of Umibozu and Miki. This is the rearmost interpretation of Angel Dust an obscure technology created at the decree of a mysterious association to turn dogfaces into supermen on the battleground, which formerly claimed the life of Hideyuki Makimura, Ryoโ€™s former mate.

City Hunter Synopsis

Itโ€™s also that several cutthroats begin to essay the life of Angie, who seems to have important information related to this case! Ryoโ€™s real charge also begins, during which heโ€™ll be brazened by Shin Kaibara, whoโ€™s none other than his consanguineous father.

The anime series follows Ryo Saeba, whoโ€™s considered a โ€œ Casanova, โ€ a private operative who works to break felonious cases in Tokyo along with his coworker/ mate Hideyuki Makimura. Their โ€œ City Hunter Business โ€ is considered a jack- of- all- trades operation. By writing the letters โ€œ XYZ โ€ on a blackboard at Shinjuku Station, they can communicate the megacity huntsman to assign operations.

After the murder of Ryoโ€™s mate Hideyuki, his family Kaori takes on Hideyukiโ€™s job as Ryoโ€™s mate. Kaori is a pixie who gets jealous fluently and keeps hitting Ryo whenever she finds him luring or flirting with other women. The story gets more intriguing as it follows the behind the scene loves of Ryo and Kaori as they break cases and help crime in Tokyo.

City Hunter Synopsis

Okay, so the stylish news for City Hunter suckers is that the sanctioned Twitter account has blazoned that they will be releasing a new City Hunter film named City Hunter The Movie Angel Dust( Gekijะพฬ„ban City Hunter Tenshi no Namida) in Japan in the 2023 fall season( between September and November).

City Hunter The Movie Angel Dust Plot

City Hunter The Movie Angel Dust Plot & prospects

City Hunterโ€™s all the occurrences of former seasons revolved around Ryo and Kaori working cases and bringing justice to the people.

While working cases, they also get suggestions behind Hideyukiโ€™s death. Angel Dust which is a spin- off, is a veritably pivotal bow thatโ€™s considered to be of significance in the original series.

City Hunter The Movie Angel Dust prospects

The bill says itโ€™ll be the last chapter, but will it be? Will they eventually learn the verity behind Hideyukiโ€™s death and discipline the malefactor? Weโ€™ll find out this in the forthcoming City Hunter The Movie Angel Dust film. Itโ€™s said that the new film City Hunter The Movie Angel Dust will be released to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the anime.

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Where to Watch City Hunter The Movie Angel Dust?

You can watch City Hunter anime on Crunchyroll, along with specials and flicks. The film is most likely to release in Japanese theatres, but itโ€™ll most probably be available on Crunchyroll as well.

piecemeal from this, thereโ€™s some special news for City nimrods suckers, people whoโ€™ll be buying tickets from 23 February onwards will get benefits and a special bill as well. Interested people can check out the theatre information for further details.


By Anime Preview


City Hunter, who has survived for over 30 times, has enough addict base for another movie and has created a buzz online. We hope that City Hunterโ€™s The Movie Angel Dust will get our adrenaline going and let us dip our toes into the golden days back when we watched City Hunterโ€™s first occasion on television